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1994 A letter to the Queen, the MNK's foundation, 'The MNK will have its revenge...', It Could Be You - MNK 1995 Millennium Circle, US activities, Demonstration Against Everything, an MNK member, Pan-London Demonstration, Protester's Kit, MNK Walk 1996 The Unabomber 1997 Know Your Centres of Evil 1998 ![]() |
31.1.95 Millennium Circle announced with publication of Communication Sheet 16. This is the announcement of a remarkable project, that if goes ahead will have an enormous effect on the U.K., and eventually, the rest of the world. This Communication Sheet announces a project that would eventually build huge 200km wide circles (marked out by stones and trees) in all the countries of the world. The final deadline for this is in 114 years time. They say that it will be a "great leveller and will psychically create a connection between the divided citizens" of each country. This is discussed further in the Ley Lines and The Millennium Circle section of MNK Theory. 6.2.95 Communication Sheet 17 published. This poster, my personal favourite, proclaims "Ram-raid heaven in a truck called MNK". It is a ridiculously bombastic statement of intent. However unsubtle it might be, it does carry a lot of hints about the MNK. What the statement basically means is to gain direct experience of heaven (i.e. contentment, ecstacy, happiness, etc.) now using MNK and its ideas to take you there. Why wait until we die? This is basically a Gnostic viewpoint of life that again hints at their interest, or even understanding, of 'forgotten knowledge' and general hermetica. 7.2.95 'The Great Contradiction' announced with publication of Communication Sheet 18. This Communcation Sheet discusses the MNK concept of the world based on contradiction. Unlike the path man has been following there is no singular truth, it is always a duality, and without that, the world, and everything in it, including us and the MNK would not be able to survive. Duality was again a central tenant to Gnostic beliefs. 17.2.95 MNK activities in the U.S.A.. This is an event at the Empire State Building in New York City (detailed in Communication Sheet 19), where MNK operatives made paper airplanes out of Communication Sheet 17 and threw them through the railings at the observation area on top. The implications of this specific incident are not enormous, but the wider implications are that the MNK are active in United States. There is a strong possibility that there are MNK operations from the U.K. to the U.S.A., from Colombia to China. It is impossible for me to research this without your help. If anyone has any information on this possibility, please write to me. 24.2.95 Communication Sheet 19 published. This is the official MNK report on the events of the 17.2.95. 11.3.95 Communication Sheet 21 and 22 published. The first of these two posters asks the viewer to 'Watch the Skies with MNK' and seems to be a purposefully ambiguous phrase. Is it simply a plea for 'open-mindedness', as in 'never let your horizons be short'? Or does it open up MNK knowledge of the U.F.O. question? Communication Sheet 22 announces that 'Time and Space Died the Day Before Yesterday', and again appears to be an impenetrable statement. 12.3.95 Communication Sheet 24 published. This is a poster and leaflet that is almost exactly the same as Communication Sheet 11. 14.3.95 Communication Sheet 25 published, and The Case of Mr. Evans. Communication Sheet 25 is yet another enigmatic poster, but this time with an immediately recognisable phrase: 'It Could Be You'. This has to be related to the events on 2nd November 1994 (see above). They seem to be reiterating the idea that you can be part of the MNK. 'Joining' the MNK seems to be impossible as they never return your requests for information to their P.O.Box, but to join them in spirit may be what they are saying. The Case of Mr. Evans begins when an MNK operative finds a social security booklet belonging to a certain Mr. Evans (see Communication Sheet 26). 16.3.95 The Case of Mr. Evans (continued), and Communication Sheet 27 and 28 published. As shown in Communication Sheet 26, the MNK deposit the found social security book in Mr. Evans's home in Oxford, after wrapping it in Communication Sheet 17. This is a very odd little encounter, seemingly aimed at a specific, possibly random, person. If Mr. Evans, or a friend, is reading this, could he please contact me. Communication Sheet 27 is a poster with the phrase 'We are MNK. Who are You?' on it. This seems to be saying that the MNK know who they are and what they stand for, but what does the reader stand for, what is your 'meaning'? It is similiar to the question asked at the beginning of the popular philosophy book, 'Sophies World', in which Sophie is asked, 'Who are you?'. In the same way as that book, it is a simplistic question that asks a relatively profound question. To the average passer-by, preoccupied in their day-to-day routine, it could momentarily make people take stock of their surroundings and situation. Communication Sheet 28 is another poster announcing that 'It's Even Worse In America'. This could be seen as two ideas, one it could be seen as saying that however bad you think your life is here, it is worse across the Atlantic. Secondly, it could be saying that the MNK's operations are worse in America. I believe the former is more likely, and I would not be surprised to find that the American branch of the MNK would say a similiar thing about England. 25.3.95 Communication Sheet 26 and 30 published. Communication Sheet 26 recounts The Case of Mr. Evans from the 14th and 16th.3.95 (see above). Communication Sheet 30 is yet another poster that announces 'Learn to Read MNK'. This is hard to decipher. Are they saying that you have to have knowledge of the MNK before you can really understand it. Do you have to 'get it'? It is reminiscent of the work of an artist called Lawrence Weiner who made the statement 'Learn to read art' (further information on Weiner can be found at the Dia Center for the Arts (!) in New York City). Are the MNK saying a similiar thing about themselves? 27.3.95 The Millennium Circle Proposal (Communication Sheet 31) is published. This is the official Millennium Circle Proposal for the Millennium Commission, and continues from Communication Sheet 16 where the idea is first introduced. The Circle is discussed under 31st January 1995 (above). This Proposal is successful, and an application (Communication Sheet 34) is made. 27.4.95 Communication Sheet 33 published. This is the poster advertising the 'Demonstration Against Everything', on Magdalen Bridge, Oxford (see 1st.5.95, below). 28.4.95 The Millennium Circle Application (Communication Sheet 34) is published. This is prefigured by Communication Sheets 31 and 16. The Circle is discussed under 31st January 1995 (above). 1.5.95 'Demonstration Against Everything', on Magdalen Bridge, Oxford. The day before this event posters went up on Cowley Road, Oxford (see photograph above), advertising a demonstration at sunrise on the 1st of May. This was Communication Sheet 33. The demonstration itself was an enormous success, with well over 3000 people turning up, but then this would be the case as traditionally thousands of people gather on Magdalen Bridge in Oxford on this morning as part of general May Day festivities. Why did they do this deception? Does 1 May have any significance to the MNK calender. It not only marks a socialist bank holiday where the 'workers' rest, but it is also a tradition from many hundreds, possibly thousands, of years ago, that is often controversial due to aspects of paganism and other such things. Adam Weishaupt also formed the Bavarian Illuminati on a 1st of May, perhaps it is the MNK celebrating this? See MNK Theory. 2.5.95 MNK member makes contact.
3.5.95 Communication Sheet 32 published. This is a remarkable page that is simply a list of what the MNK 'is'. Depending upon your viewpoint it is either extremely illuminating, or the direct opposite. I will not repeat it here, but the list hints at many interesting possibilities and esoteric meanings. For further thoughts on this Communication Sheet, look at MNK Theory. 9.5.95 Communication Sheet 35 published. This is the leaflet for the Pan-London Demonstration which took place on 10.6.95 (see below). 1.6.95 Protester's Kit (for people who want to protest but do not know what to protest about). On this day I was delivered the 'MNK Protester's Kit (for people who want to protest but do not know what to protest about)' on my doorstep. This bizarre item is a box containing various items to help any revolutionary. It held a 'devil' mask, a 'God' beard, an unassembled placard (a stick, a piece of hardboard, paper and nails), a pot of paint, a brush, a can of spraypaint, a toy gun, and a brick. What are the MNK trying to express here? It seems to be a product aimed at the oft discussed 'Generation X'. It seems to be a confirmation of the apolitical nature of many people's lives. Politics are less and less relevant it seems; very few people seem to understand or even make the attempt to understand the specific 'issues'. What people do seem to understand is a general 'pessimism' and 'loss of hope'. Nothing specific, just a general and intangible 'feeling'. The MNK do not seem to be criticising this 'state-of-mind', they are in fact assimilating it into their own philosophy. Therefore, this kit is a tool to focus that 'feeling', to justify it and make it into positive action. As it is a protest against something that is not tangible, but instead something created by society, it is a 'Protest Against Everything' - the general 'way-things-are'. 10.6.95 MNK Pan-London Demonstration I came to realise this extroardinary event was taking place when, while I was staying in London, I noticed people wandering around the streets with blank placards. These were ordinary people, as can be seen above in this photograph of a middle-aged woman in Hyde Park by the Serpentine Gallery. When I asked what she was doing, she presented me with the leaflet Communication Sheet 35. I saw other people with blank placards who all gave me a copy of the leaflet. I saw them outside Buckingham Palace, in Piccadilly Circus, Soho and near Swiss Cottage. The fact that these were the ones that only I saw would seem to imply there would be many others. What was interesting about this demonstration was that while these people with the placards where the obvious visible participants of the demonstration, in fact, everybody in the whole of the capital were, by default, participants. The leaflet, in typical MNK verbotim, states that anyone who leaves private property including tourists ("All those who come to stare"), not just Londoners, take part in the demonstration. Therefore, millions were unwittingly involved. So, what was the demonstration about? Well, like the event on the 1st of May, the demonstration is against 'everything' (see above). 11.6.95 'MNK Walk' announced (Communication Sheet 37 published). The MNK Walk does actually exist, and leads the traveller through an urban landscape. They say that if you wish to know more about the MNK, take the walk. Presumably this means that the walk goes past places and signs that may hint at their nature. As far as I am aware it does not do this, but perhaps I am not looking hard enough. It may well be related to ley lines, but I do not have enough information about this to follow this extensively up. The writing of the Communication Sheet talks a lot about "hidden geography" and "underworlds", as if they are using them as a metaphor for various esoteric thoughts. 13.6.95 MNK road sign. On this day a friend of mine who works at BMA Varsity Ltd. (15 Oxford Road, Oxford) gave me a sales ticket from someone who came to the shop requesting a quote. The ticket shows the jottings down by my friend of an inquiry into how much it would cost to buy two road signs with 'Oxford - owned by MNK' written on them. The transaction did not go ahead. The person inquiring was apparently "a plain looking girl with a Scottish accent". This is a fascinating insight, that if it was not for my friend I would have missed. Presumably the signs would have been placed by the road as you entered Oxford in the same style as there are signs that welcome you to Oxford and inform you of it's twinned towns, etc.. 22.8.95 Communication Sheet 36 published. This is a reply to letters sent to their P.O.Box number, but it was never sent to anyone I know (so far). It basically restates ideas that it has already stated and makes a suitable introduction to the MNK for anyone who would write to them. It also touches on some of the actions that it has taken part in. It says "correspondances with the Queen" - I have a copy of only one correspondance. It also talks about the formation of North and South American branches of the MNK. If anyone has any information about such organisations please contact me. 1.9.95 Communication Sheet 39 published. This is the MNK's version of their history, which has helped me fill in a few of my own gaps. It reiterates the implication that the MNK have been around for significantly longer than they have been public.
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